dnp3 (.NET API) 1.1.0
This is the complete list of members for dnp3.Outstation, including all inherited members.
CreateSerialSession(Runtime runtime, string serialPath, SerialSettings settings, OutstationConfig config, IOutstationApplication application, IOutstationInformation information, IControlHandler controlHandler) | dnp3.Outstation | inlinestatic |
CreateSerialSessionFaultTolerant(Runtime runtime, string serialPath, SerialSettings settings, TimeSpan openRetryDelay, OutstationConfig config, IOutstationApplication application, IOutstationInformation information, IControlHandler controlHandler) | dnp3.Outstation | inlinestatic |
SetDecodeLevel(DecodeLevel level) | dnp3.Outstation | inline |
Transaction(Action< Database > callback) | dnp3.Outstation | inline |