dnp3 (.NET API) 1.1.0
▼Ndnp3 | |
Nfunctional | |
CAddressFilter | Outstation address filter |
CAnalogInput | analog_input point |
CAnalogInputConfig | Analog configuration |
CAnalogOutputStatus | analog_output_status point |
CAnalogOutputStatusConfig | Analog Output Status configuration |
CApplicationIin | Application-controlled IIN bits |
CAssociationConfig | Association configuration |
CAssociationId | Association identifier |
CBinaryInput | binary_input point |
CBinaryInputConfig | Binary Input configuration |
CBinaryOutputStatus | binary_output_status point |
CBinaryOutputStatusConfig | Binary Output Status configuration |
CClasses | Class 0, 1, 2 and 3 config |
CClassZeroConfig | Controls which types are reported during a Class 0 read. |
CCommandException | Result of a command |
CCommandSet | Builder type used to construct command requests |
CConnectStrategy | Timing parameters for connection attempts |
CControlCode | CROB (Group12Var1) control code |
CControlField | APDU Control field |
CCounter | counter point |
CCounterConfig | Counter configuration |
CDatabase | Internal database access |
CDatabaseHandle | handle used to perform transactions on the database |
CDecodeLevel | Controls the decoding of transmitted and received data at the application, transport, link, and physical layers |
CDoubleBitBinaryInput | double_bit_binary_input point |
CDoubleBitBinaryInputConfig | Double-Bit Binary Input configuration |
CEndpointList | List of IP endpoints. |
CEventBufferConfig | Maximum number of events for each type |
CEventClasses | Event classes |
CFlags | Collection of individual flag bits represented by an underlying mask value |
CFrozenCounter | frozen_counter point |
CFrozenCounterConfig | Frozen Counter configuration |
CGroup12Var1 | Control Relay Output Block |
CHeaderInfo | Information about the object header and specific variation |
CIAssociationHandler | Callbacks for a particular outstation association |
CIAssociationInformation | Informational callbacks about the current state of an outstation association |
CIClientStateListener | Callback for monitoring the client TCP connection state |
CICommandTaskCallback | Handler for command tasks |
CIConnectionStateListener | Callback interface for connection state events |
CIControlHandler | Callbacks for handling controls |
CIin | Pair of IIN bytes |
CIin1 | First IIN byte |
CIin2 | Second IIN byte |
CILinkStatusCallback | Handler for link status check |
CILogger | Logging interface that receives the log messages and writes them somewhere. |
CIOutstationApplication | Dynamic information required by the outstation from the user application |
CIOutstationInformation | Informational callbacks that the outstation doesn't rely on to function |
CIPortStateListener | Callback interface for receiving updates about the state of a serial port |
CIReadHandler | General handler that will receive all values read from the outstation. |
CIReadTaskCallback | Handler for read tasks |
CIRestartTaskCallback | Handler for restart tasks |
CITimeSyncTaskCallback | Handler for time synchronization tasks |
CLinkStatusException | Errors that can occur during a manually initiated link status check. See MasterChannel.CheckLinkStatus |
CLoggingConfig | Logging configuration options |
CMasterChannel | Represents a communication channel for a master station |
CMasterChannelConfig | Generic configuration for a MasterChannel |
COctetString | Octet String point |
COutstation | Outstation handle |
COutstationConfig | Outstation configuration |
COutstationFeatures | Optional outstation features that can be enabled or disabled |
COutstationServer | TCP server that listens for connections and routes the messages to outstations. |
CParamException | Error type used throughout the library |
CPollId | Poll identifier |
CReadException | Errors that can occur during a read operation |
CRequest | Custom request |
CRequestHeader | Application-layer header for requests |
CResponseHeader | Response header information |
CRestartDelay | Restart delay used by IOutstationApplication.ColdRestart and IOutstationApplication.WarmRestart |
CRestartException | Errors that can occur during a cold/warm restart operation |
CRetryStrategy | Retry strategy configuration. |
CRuntime | Handle to the underlying runtime |
CRuntimeConfig | Runtime configuration |
CSerialSettings | Serial port settings |
CTimestamp | Timestamp value |
CTimeSyncException | Possible errors that can occur during a time synchronization procedure |
CTlsClientConfig | TLS client configuration |
CTlsServerConfig | TLS server configuration |
CUpdateOptions | Options that control how the update is performed. |
CUtcTimestamp | Timestamp value returned by IAssociationHandler.GetCurrentTime. |
NHelpers |