dnp3 (.NET API) 1.1.0
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAddressFilterOutstation address filter
 CAnalogInputanalog_input point
 CAnalogInputConfigAnalog configuration
 CAnalogOutputStatusanalog_output_status point
 CAnalogOutputStatusConfigAnalog Output Status configuration
 CApplicationIinApplication-controlled IIN bits
 CAssociationConfigAssociation configuration
 CAssociationIdAssociation identifier
 CBinaryInputbinary_input point
 CBinaryInputConfigBinary Input configuration
 CBinaryOutputStatusbinary_output_status point
 CBinaryOutputStatusConfigBinary Output Status configuration
 CClassesClass 0, 1, 2 and 3 config
 CClassZeroConfigControls which types are reported during a Class 0 read.
 CCommandExceptionResult of a command
 CCommandSetBuilder type used to construct command requests
 CConnectStrategyTiming parameters for connection attempts
 CControlCodeCROB (Group12Var1) control code
 CControlFieldAPDU Control field
 CCountercounter point
 CCounterConfigCounter configuration
 CDatabaseInternal database access
 CDatabaseHandlehandle used to perform transactions on the database
 CDecodeLevelControls the decoding of transmitted and received data at the application, transport, link, and physical layers
 CDoubleBitBinaryInputdouble_bit_binary_input point
 CDoubleBitBinaryInputConfigDouble-Bit Binary Input configuration
 CEndpointListList of IP endpoints.
 CEventBufferConfigMaximum number of events for each type
 CEventClassesEvent classes
 CFlagsCollection of individual flag bits represented by an underlying mask value
 CFrozenCounterfrozen_counter point
 CFrozenCounterConfigFrozen Counter configuration
 CGroup12Var1Control Relay Output Block
 CHeaderInfoInformation about the object header and specific variation
 CIAssociationHandlerCallbacks for a particular outstation association
 CIAssociationInformationInformational callbacks about the current state of an outstation association
 CIClientStateListenerCallback for monitoring the client TCP connection state
 CICommandTaskCallbackHandler for command tasks
 CIConnectionStateListenerCallback interface for connection state events
 CIControlHandlerCallbacks for handling controls
 CIinPair of IIN bytes
 CIin1First IIN byte
 CIin2Second IIN byte
 CILinkStatusCallbackHandler for link status check
 CILoggerLogging interface that receives the log messages and writes them somewhere.
 CIOutstationApplicationDynamic information required by the outstation from the user application
 CIOutstationInformationInformational callbacks that the outstation doesn't rely on to function
 CIPortStateListenerCallback interface for receiving updates about the state of a serial port
 CIReadHandlerGeneral handler that will receive all values read from the outstation.
 CIReadTaskCallbackHandler for read tasks
 CIRestartTaskCallbackHandler for restart tasks
 CITimeSyncTaskCallbackHandler for time synchronization tasks
 CLinkStatusExceptionErrors that can occur during a manually initiated link status check. See MasterChannel.CheckLinkStatus
 CLoggingConfigLogging configuration options
 CMasterChannelRepresents a communication channel for a master station
 CMasterChannelConfigGeneric configuration for a MasterChannel
 COctetStringOctet String point
 COutstationOutstation handle
 COutstationConfigOutstation configuration
 COutstationFeaturesOptional outstation features that can be enabled or disabled
 COutstationServerTCP server that listens for connections and routes the messages to outstations.
 CParamExceptionError type used throughout the library
 CPollIdPoll identifier
 CReadExceptionErrors that can occur during a read operation
 CRequestCustom request
 CRequestHeaderApplication-layer header for requests
 CResponseHeaderResponse header information
 CRestartDelayRestart delay used by IOutstationApplication.ColdRestart and IOutstationApplication.WarmRestart
 CRestartExceptionErrors that can occur during a cold/warm restart operation
 CRetryStrategyRetry strategy configuration.
 CRuntimeHandle to the underlying runtime
 CRuntimeConfigRuntime configuration
 CSerialSettingsSerial port settings
 CTimestampTimestamp value
 CTimeSyncExceptionPossible errors that can occur during a time synchronization procedure
 CTlsClientConfigTLS client configuration
 CTlsServerConfigTLS server configuration
 CUpdateOptionsOptions that control how the update is performed.
 CUtcTimestampTimestamp value returned by IAssociationHandler.GetCurrentTime.