dnp3 (C++ API) 1.1.0
main namespace for the dnp3 library More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | flag |
Individual flag constants that may be combined using bitwise-OR operator. | |
namespace | functional |
helpers functions to create interface implementations using lambdas | |
Classes | |
class | AddressFilter |
Outstation address filter. More... | |
struct | AnalogInput |
analog_input point More... | |
struct | AnalogInputConfig |
Analog configuration. More... | |
class | AnalogInputIterator |
Iterator over AnalogInput instances. More... | |
struct | AnalogOutputStatus |
analog_output_status point More... | |
struct | AnalogOutputStatusConfig |
Analog Output Status configuration. More... | |
class | AnalogOutputStatusIterator |
Iterator over AnalogOutputStatus instances. More... | |
struct | ApplicationIin |
Application-controlled IIN bits. More... | |
struct | AssociationConfig |
Association configuration. More... | |
class | AssociationHandler |
Callbacks for a particular outstation association. More... | |
struct | AssociationId |
Association identifier. More... | |
class | AssociationInformation |
Informational callbacks about the current state of an outstation association. More... | |
struct | BinaryInput |
binary_input point More... | |
struct | BinaryInputConfig |
Binary Input configuration. More... | |
class | BinaryInputIterator |
Iterator over BinaryInput instances. More... | |
struct | BinaryOutputStatus |
binary_output_status point More... | |
struct | BinaryOutputStatusConfig |
Binary Output Status configuration. More... | |
class | BinaryOutputStatusIterator |
Iterator over BinaryOutputStatus instances. More... | |
class | ByteIterator |
Iterator over uint8_t instances. More... | |
struct | Classes |
Class 0, 1, 2 and 3 config. More... | |
struct | ClassZeroConfig |
Controls which types are reported during a Class 0 read. More... | |
class | ClientStateListener |
Callback for monitoring the client TCP connection state. More... | |
class | CommandException |
Exception type corresponding to the underlying error enum CommandError. More... | |
class | CommandSet |
Builder type used to construct command requests. More... | |
class | CommandTaskCallback |
Handler for command tasks. More... | |
class | ConnectionStateListener |
Callback interface for connection state events. More... | |
struct | ConnectStrategy |
Timing parameters for connection attempts. More... | |
struct | ControlCode |
CROB (Group12Var1) control code. More... | |
struct | ControlField |
APDU Control field. More... | |
class | ControlHandler |
Callbacks for handling controls. More... | |
struct | Counter |
counter point More... | |
struct | CounterConfig |
Counter configuration. More... | |
class | CounterIterator |
Iterator over Counter instances. More... | |
class | Database |
Internal database access. More... | |
class | DatabaseHandle |
handle used to perform transactions on the database More... | |
class | DatabaseTransaction |
Database transaction interface. More... | |
struct | DecodeLevel |
Controls the decoding of transmitted and received data at the application, transport, link, and physical layers. More... | |
struct | DoubleBitBinaryInput |
double_bit_binary_input point More... | |
struct | DoubleBitBinaryInputConfig |
Double-Bit Binary Input configuration. More... | |
class | DoubleBitBinaryInputIterator |
Iterator over DoubleBitBinaryInput instances. More... | |
class | EndpointList |
List of IP endpoints. More... | |
struct | EventBufferConfig |
Maximum number of events for each type. More... | |
struct | EventClasses |
Event classes. More... | |
struct | Flags |
Collection of individual flag bits represented by an underlying mask value. More... | |
struct | FrozenCounter |
frozen_counter point More... | |
struct | FrozenCounterConfig |
Frozen Counter configuration. More... | |
class | FrozenCounterIterator |
Iterator over FrozenCounter instances. More... | |
struct | Group12Var1 |
Control Relay Output Block. More... | |
struct | HeaderInfo |
Information about the object header and specific variation. More... | |
struct | Iin |
Pair of IIN bytes. More... | |
struct | Iin1 |
First IIN byte. More... | |
struct | Iin2 |
Second IIN byte. More... | |
class | LinkStatusCallback |
Handler for link status check. More... | |
class | LinkStatusException |
Exception type corresponding to the underlying error enum LinkStatusError. More... | |
class | Logger |
Logging interface that receives the log messages and writes them somewhere. More... | |
class | Logging |
Provides a static method for configuring logging. More... | |
struct | LoggingConfig |
Logging configuration options. More... | |
class | MasterChannel |
Represents a communication channel for a master station. More... | |
struct | MasterChannelConfig |
Generic configuration for a MasterChannel. More... | |
struct | OctetString |
Octet String point. More... | |
class | OctetStringIterator |
Iterator over OctetString instances. More... | |
class | Outstation |
Outstation handle. More... | |
class | OutstationApplication |
Dynamic information required by the outstation from the user application. More... | |
struct | OutstationConfig |
Outstation configuration. More... | |
struct | OutstationFeatures |
Optional outstation features that can be enabled or disabled. More... | |
class | OutstationInformation |
Informational callbacks that the outstation doesn't rely on to function. More... | |
class | OutstationServer |
TCP server that listens for connections and routes the messages to outstations. More... | |
class | ParamException |
Exception type corresponding to the underlying error enum ParamError. More... | |
struct | PollId |
Poll identifier. More... | |
class | PortStateListener |
Callback interface for receiving updates about the state of a serial port. More... | |
class | ReadException |
Exception type corresponding to the underlying error enum ReadError. More... | |
class | ReadHandler |
General handler that will receive all values read from the outstation. More... | |
class | ReadTaskCallback |
Handler for read tasks. More... | |
class | Request |
Custom request. More... | |
struct | RequestHeader |
Application-layer header for requests. More... | |
struct | ResponseHeader |
Response header information. More... | |
struct | RestartDelay |
Restart delay used by OutstationApplication::cold_restart() and OutstationApplication::warm_restart() More... | |
class | RestartException |
Exception type corresponding to the underlying error enum RestartError. More... | |
class | RestartTaskCallback |
Handler for restart tasks. More... | |
struct | RetryStrategy |
Retry strategy configuration. More... | |
class | Runtime |
Handle to the underlying runtime. More... | |
struct | RuntimeConfig |
Runtime configuration. More... | |
struct | SerialSettings |
Serial port settings. More... | |
struct | Timestamp |
Timestamp value. More... | |
class | TimeSyncException |
Exception type corresponding to the underlying error enum TimeSyncError. More... | |
class | TimeSyncTaskCallback |
Handler for time synchronization tasks. More... | |
struct | TlsClientConfig |
TLS client configuration. More... | |
struct | TlsServerConfig |
TLS server configuration. More... | |
struct | UpdateOptions |
Options that control how the update is performed. More... | |
struct | UtcTimestamp |
Timestamp value returned by AssociationHandler::get_current_time(). More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | ParamError { ok = 0 , invalid_timeout = 1 , null_parameter = 2 , no_support = 3 , association_does_not_exist = 4 , association_duplicate_address = 5 , invalid_socket_address = 6 , invalid_dnp3_address = 7 , invalid_buffer_size = 8 , address_filter_conflict = 9 , server_already_started = 10 , server_bind_error = 11 , master_already_shutdown = 12 , runtime_creation_failure = 13 , runtime_destroyed = 14 , runtime_cannot_block_within_async = 15 , logging_already_configured = 16 , point_does_not_exist = 17 , invalid_peer_certificate = 18 , invalid_local_certificate = 19 , invalid_private_key = 20 , invalid_dns_name = 21 , other_tls_error = 22 } |
Error type used throughout the library. More... | |
enum class | LogLevel { error = 0 , warn = 1 , info = 2 , debug = 3 , trace = 4 } |
Log level. More... | |
enum class | LogOutputFormat { text = 0 , json = 1 } |
Describes how each log event is formatted. More... | |
enum class | TimeFormat { none = 0 , rfc_3339 = 1 , system = 2 } |
Describes if and how the time will be formatted in log messages. More... | |
enum class | AppDecodeLevel { nothing = 0 , header = 1 , object_headers = 2 , object_values = 3 } |
Controls how transmitted and received application-layer fragments are decoded at the INFO log level. More... | |
enum class | TransportDecodeLevel { nothing = 0 , header = 1 , payload = 2 } |
Controls how transmitted and received transport segments are decoded at the INFO log level. More... | |
enum class | LinkDecodeLevel { nothing = 0 , header = 1 , payload = 2 } |
Controls how transmitted and received link frames are decoded at the INFO log level. More... | |
enum class | PhysDecodeLevel { nothing = 0 , length = 1 , data = 2 } |
Controls how data transmitted at the physical layer (TCP, serial, etc) is logged. More... | |
enum class | TripCloseCode { nul = 0 , close = 1 , trip = 2 , reserved = 3 } |
Trip-Close Code field, used in conjunction with OpType to specify a control operation. More... | |
enum class | OpType { nul = 0 , pulse_on = 1 , pulse_off = 2 , latch_on = 3 , latch_off = 4 } |
Operation Type field, used in conjunction with TripCloseCode to specify a control operation. More... | |
enum class | TimeQuality { synchronized_time = 0 , unsynchronized_time = 1 , invalid_time = 2 } |
Timestamp quality. More... | |
enum class | DoubleBit { intermediate = 0 , determined_off = 1 , determined_on = 2 , indeterminate = 3 } |
Double-bit binary input value. More... | |
enum class | PortState { disabled = 0 , wait = 1 , open = 2 , shutdown = 3 } |
State of the serial port. More... | |
enum class | Variation { group1_var0 = 0 , group1_var1 = 1 , group1_var2 = 2 , group2_var0 = 3 , group2_var1 = 4 , group2_var2 = 5 , group2_var3 = 6 , group3_var0 = 7 , group3_var1 = 8 , group3_var2 = 9 , group4_var0 = 10 , group4_var1 = 11 , group4_var2 = 12 , group4_var3 = 13 , group10_var0 = 14 , group10_var1 = 15 , group10_var2 = 16 , group11_var0 = 17 , group11_var1 = 18 , group11_var2 = 19 , group12_var0 = 20 , group12_var1 = 21 , group20_var0 = 22 , group20_var1 = 23 , group20_var2 = 24 , group20_var5 = 25 , group20_var6 = 26 , group21_var0 = 27 , group21_var1 = 28 , group21_var2 = 29 , group21_var5 = 30 , group21_var6 = 31 , group21_var9 = 32 , group21_var10 = 33 , group22_var0 = 34 , group22_var1 = 35 , group22_var2 = 36 , group22_var5 = 37 , group22_var6 = 38 , group23_var0 = 39 , group23_var1 = 40 , group23_var2 = 41 , group23_var5 = 42 , group23_var6 = 43 , group30_var0 = 44 , group30_var1 = 45 , group30_var2 = 46 , group30_var3 = 47 , group30_var4 = 48 , group30_var5 = 49 , group30_var6 = 50 , group32_var0 = 51 , group32_var1 = 52 , group32_var2 = 53 , group32_var3 = 54 , group32_var4 = 55 , group32_var5 = 56 , group32_var6 = 57 , group32_var7 = 58 , group32_var8 = 59 , group40_var0 = 60 , group40_var1 = 61 , group40_var2 = 62 , group40_var3 = 63 , group40_var4 = 64 , group41_var0 = 65 , group41_var1 = 66 , group41_var2 = 67 , group41_var3 = 68 , group41_var4 = 69 , group42_var0 = 70 , group42_var1 = 71 , group42_var2 = 72 , group42_var3 = 73 , group42_var4 = 74 , group42_var5 = 75 , group42_var6 = 76 , group42_var7 = 77 , group42_var8 = 78 , group50_var1 = 79 , group50_var3 = 80 , group50_var4 = 81 , group51_var1 = 82 , group51_var2 = 83 , group52_var1 = 84 , group52_var2 = 85 , group60_var1 = 86 , group60_var2 = 87 , group60_var3 = 88 , group60_var4 = 89 , group80_var1 = 90 , group110 = 91 , group111 = 92 } |
Group/Variation. More... | |
enum class | DataBits { five = 0 , six = 1 , seven = 2 , eight = 3 } |
Number of bits per character. More... | |
enum class | FlowControl { none = 0 , software = 1 , hardware = 2 } |
Flow control modes. More... | |
enum class | Parity { none = 0 , odd = 1 , even = 2 } |
Parity checking modes. More... | |
enum class | StopBits { one = 0 , two = 1 } |
Number of stop bits. More... | |
enum class | LinkErrorMode { discard = 0 , close = 1 } |
Controls how errors in parsed link-layer frames are handled. This behavior is configurable for physical layers with built-in error correction like TCP as the connection might be through a terminal server. More... | |
enum class | MinTlsVersion { v12 = 0 , v13 = 1 } |
Minimum TLS version to allow. More... | |
enum class | CertificateMode { authority_based = 0 , self_signed = 1 } |
Determines how the certificate(s) presented by the peer are validated. More... | |
enum class | FunctionCode { confirm = 0 , read = 1 , write = 2 , select = 3 , operate = 4 , direct_operate = 5 , direct_operate_no_response = 6 , immediate_freeze = 7 , immediate_freeze_no_response = 8 , freeze_clear = 9 , freeze_clear_no_response = 10 , freeze_at_time = 11 , freeze_at_time_no_response = 12 , cold_restart = 13 , warm_restart = 14 , initialize_data = 15 , initialize_application = 16 , start_application = 17 , stop_application = 18 , save_configuration = 19 , enable_unsolicited = 20 , disable_unsolicited = 21 , assign_class = 22 , delay_measure = 23 , record_current_time = 24 , open_file = 25 , close_file = 26 , delete_file = 27 , get_file_info = 28 , authenticate_file = 29 , abort_file = 30 , response = 31 , unsolicited_response = 32 } |
Application layer function code. More... | |
enum class | ResponseFunction { response = 0 , unsolicited_response = 1 } |
Type of response. More... | |
enum class | QualifierCode { range8 = 0 , range16 = 1 , all_objects = 2 , count8 = 3 , count16 = 4 , count_and_prefix_8 = 5 , count_and_prefix_16 = 6 , free_format_16 = 7 } |
Qualifier code used in the response. More... | |
enum class | ReadType { startup_integrity = 0 , unsolicited = 1 , single_poll = 2 , periodic_poll = 3 } |
Describes the source of a read event. More... | |
enum class | ClientState { disabled = 0 , connecting = 1 , connected = 2 , wait_after_failed_connect = 3 , wait_after_disconnect = 4 , shutdown = 5 } |
State of the client connection. More... | |
enum class | Nothing { nothing = 0 } |
A single value enum which is used as a placeholder for futures that don't return a value. More... | |
enum class | AutoTimeSync { none = 0 , lan = 1 , non_lan = 2 } |
Automatic time synchronization configuration. More... | |
enum class | TaskType { user_read = 0 , periodic_poll = 1 , startup_integrity = 2 , auto_event_scan = 3 , command = 4 , clear_restart_bit = 5 , enable_unsolicited = 6 , disable_unsolicited = 7 , time_sync = 8 , restart = 9 } |
Task type used in AssociationInformation. More... | |
enum class | TaskError { too_many_requests = 0 , bad_response = 1 , response_timeout = 2 , write_error = 3 , no_connection = 4 , shutdown = 5 , association_removed = 6 } |
Task error used in AssociationInformation. More... | |
enum class | ReadError { ok = 0 , too_many_requests = 1 , bad_response = 2 , response_timeout = 3 , write_error = 4 , no_connection = 5 , shutdown = 6 , association_removed = 7 } |
Errors that can occur during a read operation. More... | |
enum class | CommandMode { direct_operate = 0 , select_before_operate = 1 } |
Command operation mode. More... | |
enum class | CommandError { ok = 0 , bad_status = 1 , header_mismatch = 2 , too_many_requests = 3 , bad_response = 4 , response_timeout = 5 , write_error = 6 , no_connection = 7 , shutdown = 8 , association_removed = 9 } |
Result of a command. More... | |
enum class | TimeSyncMode { lan = 0 , non_lan = 1 } |
Time synchronization mode. More... | |
enum class | TimeSyncError { ok = 0 , clock_rollback = 1 , system_time_not_unix = 2 , bad_outstation_time_delay = 3 , overflow = 4 , still_needs_time = 5 , system_time_not_available = 6 , iin_error = 7 , too_many_requests = 8 , bad_response = 9 , response_timeout = 10 , write_error = 11 , no_connection = 12 , shutdown = 13 , association_removed = 14 } |
Possible errors that can occur during a time synchronization procedure. More... | |
enum class | RestartError { ok = 0 , too_many_requests = 1 , bad_response = 2 , response_timeout = 3 , write_error = 4 , no_connection = 5 , shutdown = 6 , association_removed = 7 } |
Errors that can occur during a cold/warm restart operation. More... | |
enum class | LinkStatusError { ok = 0 , unexpected_response = 1 , too_many_requests = 2 , bad_response = 3 , response_timeout = 4 , write_error = 5 , no_connection = 6 , shutdown = 7 , association_removed = 8 } |
Errors that can occur during a manually initiated link status check. See MasterChannel::check_link_status() More... | |
enum class | EventClass { none = 0 , class1 = 1 , class2 = 2 , class3 = 3 } |
Event class. More... | |
enum class | EventMode { detect = 0 , force = 1 , suppress = 2 } |
Controls how events are processed when updating values in the database. More... | |
enum class | StaticBinaryInputVariation { group1_var1 = 0 , group1_var2 = 1 } |
Static binary input variation. More... | |
enum class | EventBinaryInputVariation { group2_var1 = 0 , group2_var2 = 1 , group2_var3 = 2 } |
Event binary input variation. More... | |
enum class | StaticDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation { group3_var1 = 0 , group3_var2 = 1 } |
Static double-bit binary input variation. More... | |
enum class | EventDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation { group4_var1 = 0 , group4_var2 = 1 , group4_var3 = 2 } |
Event double-bit binary input variation. More... | |
enum class | StaticBinaryOutputStatusVariation { group10_var1 = 0 , group10_var2 = 1 } |
Static binary output status variation. More... | |
enum class | EventBinaryOutputStatusVariation { group11_var1 = 0 , group11_var2 = 1 } |
Event binary output status variation. More... | |
enum class | StaticCounterVariation { group20_var1 = 0 , group20_var2 = 1 , group20_var5 = 2 , group20_var6 = 3 } |
Static counter variation. More... | |
enum class | EventCounterVariation { group22_var1 = 0 , group22_var2 = 1 , group22_var5 = 2 , group22_var6 = 3 } |
Event counter variation. More... | |
enum class | StaticFrozenCounterVariation { group21_var1 = 0 , group21_var2 = 1 , group21_var5 = 2 , group21_var6 = 3 , group21_var9 = 4 , group21_var10 = 5 } |
Static frozen counter variation. More... | |
enum class | EventFrozenCounterVariation { group23_var1 = 0 , group23_var2 = 1 , group23_var5 = 2 , group23_var6 = 3 } |
Event frozen counter variation. More... | |
enum class | StaticAnalogInputVariation { group30_var1 = 0 , group30_var2 = 1 , group30_var3 = 2 , group30_var4 = 3 , group30_var5 = 4 , group30_var6 = 5 } |
Static analog variation. More... | |
enum class | EventAnalogInputVariation { group32_var1 = 0 , group32_var2 = 1 , group32_var3 = 2 , group32_var4 = 3 , group32_var5 = 4 , group32_var6 = 5 , group32_var7 = 6 , group32_var8 = 7 } |
Event analog variation. More... | |
enum class | StaticAnalogOutputStatusVariation { group40_var1 = 0 , group40_var2 = 1 , group40_var3 = 2 , group40_var4 = 3 } |
Static analog output status variation. More... | |
enum class | EventAnalogOutputStatusVariation { group42_var1 = 0 , group42_var2 = 1 , group42_var3 = 2 , group42_var4 = 3 , group42_var5 = 4 , group42_var6 = 5 , group42_var7 = 6 , group42_var8 = 7 } |
Event analog output status variation. More... | |
enum class | RestartDelayType { not_supported = 0 , seconds = 1 , milli_seconds = 2 } |
Type of restart delay value. Used by RestartDelay. More... | |
enum class | WriteTimeResult { ok = 0 , parameter_error = 1 , not_supported = 2 } |
Write time result used by OutstationApplication::write_absolute_time() More... | |
enum class | FreezeType { immediate_freeze = 0 , freeze_and_clear = 1 } |
Freeze operation type. More... | |
enum class | FreezeResult { ok = 0 , parameter_error = 1 , not_supported = 2 } |
Result of a freeze operation. More... | |
enum class | BroadcastAction { processed = 0 , ignored_by_configuration = 1 , bad_object_headers = 2 , unsupported_function = 3 } |
Enumeration describing how the outstation processed a broadcast request. More... | |
enum class | CommandStatus { success = 0 , timeout = 1 , no_select = 2 , format_error = 3 , not_supported = 4 , already_active = 5 , hardware_error = 6 , local = 7 , too_many_ops = 8 , not_authorized = 9 , automation_inhibit = 10 , processing_limited = 11 , out_of_range = 12 , downstream_local = 13 , already_complete = 14 , blocked = 15 , canceled = 16 , blocked_other_master = 17 , downstream_fail = 18 , non_participating = 19 , unknown = 20 } |
Enumeration received from an outstation in response to command request. More... | |
enum class | OperateType { select_before_operate = 0 , direct_operate = 1 , direct_operate_no_ack = 2 } |
Enumeration describing how the master requested the control operation. More... | |
enum class | ConnectionState { connected = 0 , disconnected = 1 } |
Outstation connection state for connection-oriented transports, e.g. TCP. More... | |
Functions | |
const char * | to_string (ParamError value) |
convert an instance of enum ParamError into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (LogLevel value) |
convert an instance of enum LogLevel into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (LogOutputFormat value) |
convert an instance of enum LogOutputFormat into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TimeFormat value) |
convert an instance of enum TimeFormat into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (AppDecodeLevel value) |
convert an instance of enum AppDecodeLevel into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TransportDecodeLevel value) |
convert an instance of enum TransportDecodeLevel into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (LinkDecodeLevel value) |
convert an instance of enum LinkDecodeLevel into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (PhysDecodeLevel value) |
convert an instance of enum PhysDecodeLevel into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TripCloseCode value) |
convert an instance of enum TripCloseCode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (OpType value) |
convert an instance of enum OpType into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TimeQuality value) |
convert an instance of enum TimeQuality into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (DoubleBit value) |
convert an instance of enum DoubleBit into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (PortState value) |
convert an instance of enum PortState into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (Variation value) |
convert an instance of enum Variation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (DataBits value) |
convert an instance of enum DataBits into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (FlowControl value) |
convert an instance of enum FlowControl into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (Parity value) |
convert an instance of enum Parity into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StopBits value) |
convert an instance of enum StopBits into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (LinkErrorMode value) |
convert an instance of enum LinkErrorMode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (MinTlsVersion value) |
convert an instance of enum MinTlsVersion into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (CertificateMode value) |
convert an instance of enum CertificateMode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (FunctionCode value) |
convert an instance of enum FunctionCode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (ResponseFunction value) |
convert an instance of enum ResponseFunction into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (QualifierCode value) |
convert an instance of enum QualifierCode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (ReadType value) |
convert an instance of enum ReadType into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (ClientState value) |
convert an instance of enum ClientState into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (Nothing value) |
convert an instance of enum Nothing into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (AutoTimeSync value) |
convert an instance of enum AutoTimeSync into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TaskType value) |
convert an instance of enum TaskType into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TaskError value) |
convert an instance of enum TaskError into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (ReadError value) |
convert an instance of enum ReadError into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (CommandMode value) |
convert an instance of enum CommandMode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (CommandError value) |
convert an instance of enum CommandError into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TimeSyncMode value) |
convert an instance of enum TimeSyncMode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (TimeSyncError value) |
convert an instance of enum TimeSyncError into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (RestartError value) |
convert an instance of enum RestartError into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (LinkStatusError value) |
convert an instance of enum LinkStatusError into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventClass value) |
convert an instance of enum EventClass into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventMode value) |
convert an instance of enum EventMode into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StaticBinaryInputVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum StaticBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventBinaryInputVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum EventBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StaticDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum StaticDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum EventDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StaticBinaryOutputStatusVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum StaticBinaryOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventBinaryOutputStatusVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum EventBinaryOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StaticCounterVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum StaticCounterVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventCounterVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum EventCounterVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StaticFrozenCounterVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum StaticFrozenCounterVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventFrozenCounterVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum EventFrozenCounterVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StaticAnalogInputVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum StaticAnalogInputVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventAnalogInputVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum EventAnalogInputVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (StaticAnalogOutputStatusVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum StaticAnalogOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (EventAnalogOutputStatusVariation value) |
convert an instance of enum EventAnalogOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (RestartDelayType value) |
convert an instance of enum RestartDelayType into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (WriteTimeResult value) |
convert an instance of enum WriteTimeResult into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (FreezeType value) |
convert an instance of enum FreezeType into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (FreezeResult value) |
convert an instance of enum FreezeResult into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (BroadcastAction value) |
convert an instance of enum BroadcastAction into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (CommandStatus value) |
convert an instance of enum CommandStatus into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (OperateType value) |
convert an instance of enum OperateType into a C-style string More... | |
const char * | to_string (ConnectionState value) |
convert an instance of enum ConnectionState into a C-style string More... | |
Variables | |
constexpr uint64_t | dnp3_version_major = 1 |
major version number More... | |
constexpr uint64_t | dnp3_version_minor = 1 |
minor version number More... | |
constexpr uint64_t | dnp3_version_patch = 0 |
patch version number More... | |
constexpr char const * | dnp3_version_string = "1.1.0" |
version number as the string major.minor.patch More... | |
main namespace for the dnp3 library
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumeration describing how the outstation processed a broadcast request.
Enumerator | |
processed | Outstation processed the broadcast. |
ignored_by_configuration | Outstation ignored the broadcast message b/c it is disabled by configuration. |
bad_object_headers | Outstation was unable to parse the object headers and ignored the request. |
unsupported_function | Outstation ignore the broadcast message b/c the function is not supported via Broadcast. |
strong |
Determines how the certificate(s) presented by the peer are validated.
This validation always occurs after the handshake signature has been verified.
strong |
State of the client connection.
Use by the ClientStateListener.
strong |
Result of a command.
Enumerator | |
ok | Success, i.e. no error occurred. |
bad_status | Outstation indicated that a command was not SUCCESS. |
header_mismatch | Number of headers or objects in the response didn't match the number in the request. |
too_many_requests | too many user requests queued |
bad_response | response was malformed or contained object headers |
response_timeout | timeout occurred before receiving a response |
write_error | insufficient buffer space to serialize the request |
no_connection | no connection |
shutdown | master was shutdown |
association_removed | association was removed mid-task |
strong |
strong |
Enumeration received from an outstation in response to command request.
strong |
Outstation connection state for connection-oriented transports, e.g. TCP.
Enumerator | |
connected | Connected to the master. |
disconnected | Disconnected from the master. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Event analog variation.
strong |
Event analog output status variation.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Application layer function code.
Enumerator | |
confirm | Master sends this to an outstation to confirm the receipt of an Application Layer fragment (value == 0) |
read | Outstation shall return the data specified by the objects in the request (value == 1) |
write | Outstation shall store the data specified by the objects in the request (value == 2) |
select | Outstation shall select (or arm) the output points specified by the objects in the request in preparation for a subsequent operate command (value == 3) |
operate | Outstation shall activate the output points selected (or armed) by a previous select function code command (value == 4) |
direct_operate | Outstation shall immediately actuate the output points specified by the objects in the request (value == 5) |
direct_operate_no_response | Same as DirectOperate but outstation shall not send a response (value == 6) |
immediate_freeze | Outstation shall copy the point data values specified by the objects in the request to a separate freeze buffer (value == 7) |
immediate_freeze_no_response | Same as ImmediateFreeze but outstation shall not send a response (value == 8) |
freeze_clear | Outstation shall copy the point data values specified by the objects in the request into a separate freeze buffer and then clear the values (value == 9) |
freeze_clear_no_response | Same as FreezeClear but outstation shall not send a response (value == 10) |
freeze_at_time | Outstation shall copy the point data values specified by the objects in the request to a separate freeze buffer at the time and/or time intervals specified in a special time data information object (value == 11) |
freeze_at_time_no_response | Same as FreezeAtTime but outstation shall not send a response (value == 12) |
cold_restart | Outstation shall perform a complete reset of all hardware and software in the device (value == 13) |
warm_restart | Outstation shall reset only portions of the device (value == 14) |
initialize_data | Obsolete-Do not use for new designs (value == 15) |
initialize_application | Outstation shall place the applications specified by the objects in the request into the ready to run state (value == 16) |
start_application | Outstation shall start running the applications specified by the objects in the request (value == 17) |
stop_application | Outstation shall stop running the applications specified by the objects in the request (value == 18) |
save_configuration | This code is deprecated-Do not use for new designs (value == 19) |
enable_unsolicited | Enables outstation to initiate unsolicited responses from points specified by the objects in the request (value == 20) |
disable_unsolicited | Prevents outstation from initiating unsolicited responses from points specified by the objects in the request (value == 21) |
assign_class | Outstation shall assign the events generated by the points specified by the objects in the request to one of the classes (value == 22) |
delay_measure | Outstation shall report the time it takes to process and initiate the transmission of its response (value == 23) |
record_current_time | Outstation shall save the time when the last octet of this message is received (value == 24) |
open_file | Outstation shall open a file (value == 25) |
close_file | Outstation shall close a file (value == 26) |
delete_file | Outstation shall delete a file (value == 27) |
get_file_info | Outstation shall retrieve information about a file (value == 28) |
authenticate_file | Outstation shall return a file authentication key (value == 29) |
abort_file | Outstation shall abort a file transfer operation (value == 30) |
response | Master shall interpret this fragment as an Application Layer response to an ApplicationLayer request (value == 129) |
unsolicited_response | Master shall interpret this fragment as an unsolicited response that was not prompted by an explicit request (value == 130) |
strong |
strong |
Controls how errors in parsed link-layer frames are handled. This behavior is configurable for physical layers with built-in error correction like TCP as the connection might be through a terminal server.
strong |
Errors that can occur during a manually initiated link status check. See MasterChannel::check_link_status()
strong |
Log level.
Used in Logger::on_message() callback to identify the log level of a message.
Enumerator | |
error | Error log level. |
warn | Warning log level. |
info | Information log level. |
debug | Debugging log level. |
trace | Trace log level. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumeration describing how the master requested the control operation.
strong |
strong |
Error type used throughout the library.
Enumerator | |
ok | Success, i.e. no error occurred. |
invalid_timeout | The supplied timeout value is too small or too large. |
null_parameter | Null parameter. |
no_support | Native library was compiled without support for this feature. |
association_does_not_exist | The specified association does not exist. |
association_duplicate_address | Duplicate association address. |
invalid_socket_address | Invalid socket address. |
invalid_dnp3_address | Invalid link-layer DNP3 address. |
invalid_buffer_size | Invalid buffer size. |
address_filter_conflict | Conflict in the address filter specification. |
server_already_started | Server already started. |
server_bind_error | Server failed to bind to the specified port. |
master_already_shutdown | Master was already shutdown. |
runtime_creation_failure | Failed to create Tokio runtime. |
runtime_destroyed | Runtime has already been disposed. |
runtime_cannot_block_within_async | Runtime cannot execute blocking call within asynchronous context. |
logging_already_configured | Logging can only be configured once. |
point_does_not_exist | Point does not exist. |
invalid_peer_certificate | Invalid peer certificate file. |
invalid_local_certificate | Invalid local certificate file. |
invalid_private_key | Invalid private key file. |
invalid_dns_name | Invalid DNS name. |
other_tls_error | Other TLS error. |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Qualifier code used in the response.
strong |
Errors that can occur during a read operation.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Type of restart delay value. Used by RestartDelay.
Enumerator | |
not_supported | Restart mode not supported. |
seconds | Value is in seconds (corresponds to g51v1) |
milli_seconds | Value is in milliseconds (corresponds to g51v2) |
strong |
Errors that can occur during a cold/warm restart operation.
strong |
Static analog variation.
strong |
Static analog output status variation.
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Static frozen counter variation.
Enumerator | |
group21_var1 | Frozen Counter - 32-bit with flag. |
group21_var2 | Frozen Counter - 16-bit with flag. |
group21_var5 | Frozen Counter - 32-bit with flag and time. |
group21_var6 | Frozen Counter - 16-bit with flag and time. |
group21_var9 | Frozen Counter - 32-bit without flag. |
group21_var10 | Frozen Counter - 16-bit without flag. |
strong |
strong |
Task error used in AssociationInformation.
strong |
Task type used in AssociationInformation.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Possible errors that can occur during a time synchronization procedure.
Enumerator | |
ok | Success, i.e. no error occurred. |
clock_rollback | Detected a clock rollback. |
system_time_not_unix | The system time cannot be converted to a Unix timestamp. |
bad_outstation_time_delay | Outstation time delay exceeded the response delay. |
overflow | Overflow in calculation. |
still_needs_time | Outstation did not clear the NEED_TIME IIN bit. |
system_time_not_available | System time not available. |
iin_error | Outstation indicated an error. |
too_many_requests | too many user requests queued |
bad_response | response was malformed or contained object headers |
response_timeout | timeout occurred before receiving a response |
write_error | insufficient buffer space to serialize the request |
no_connection | no connection |
shutdown | master was shutdown |
association_removed | association was removed mid-task |
strong |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
group1_var0 | Binary Input - Default variation. |
group1_var1 | Binary Input - Packed format. |
group1_var2 | Binary Input - With flags. |
group2_var0 | Binary Input Event - Default variation. |
group2_var1 | Binary Input Event - Without time. |
group2_var2 | Binary Input Event - With absolute time. |
group2_var3 | Binary Input Event - With relative time. |
group3_var0 | Double-bit Binary Input - Default variation. |
group3_var1 | Double-bit Binary Input - Packed format. |
group3_var2 | Double-bit Binary Input - With flags. |
group4_var0 | Double-bit Binary Input Event - Default variation. |
group4_var1 | Double-bit Binary Input Event - Without time. |
group4_var2 | Double-bit Binary Input Event - With absolute time. |
group4_var3 | Double-bit Binary Input Event - With relative time. |
group10_var0 | Binary Output - Default variation. |
group10_var1 | Binary Output - Packed format. |
group10_var2 | Binary Output - With flags. |
group11_var0 | Binary Output Event - Default variation. |
group11_var1 | Binary Output Event - Without time. |
group11_var2 | Binary Output Event - With time. |
group12_var0 | Binary Output Command - Control Relay Output Block. |
group12_var1 | Binary Output Command - Pattern Control Block. |
group20_var0 | Counter - Default variation. |
group20_var1 | Counter - 32-bit with flags. |
group20_var2 | Counter - 16-bit with flags. |
group20_var5 | Counter - 32-bit without flag. |
group20_var6 | Counter - 16-bit without flag. |
group21_var0 | Frozen Counter - Default variation. |
group21_var1 | Frozen Counter - 32-bit with flags. |
group21_var2 | Frozen Counter - 16-bit with flags. |
group21_var5 | Frozen Counter - 32-bit with flags and time. |
group21_var6 | Frozen Counter - 16-bit with flags and time. |
group21_var9 | Frozen Counter - 32-bit without flag. |
group21_var10 | Frozen Counter - 16-bit without flag. |
group22_var0 | Counter Event - Default variation. |
group22_var1 | Counter Event - 32-bit with flags. |
group22_var2 | Counter Event - 16-bit with flags. |
group22_var5 | Counter Event - 32-bit with flags and time. |
group22_var6 | Counter Event - 16-bit with flags and time. |
group23_var0 | Frozen Counter Event - Default variation. |
group23_var1 | Frozen Counter Event - 32-bit with flags. |
group23_var2 | Frozen Counter Event - 16-bit with flags. |
group23_var5 | Frozen Counter Event - 32-bit with flags and time. |
group23_var6 | Frozen Counter Event - 16-bit with flags and time. |
group30_var0 | Analog Input - Default variation. |
group30_var1 | Analog Input - 32-bit with flags. |
group30_var2 | Analog Input - 16-bit with flags. |
group30_var3 | Analog Input - 32-bit without flag. |
group30_var4 | Analog Input - 16-bit without flag. |
group30_var5 | Analog Input - Single-precision floating point with flags. |
group30_var6 | Analog Input - Double-precision floating point with flags. |
group32_var0 | Analog Input Event - Default variation. |
group32_var1 | Analog Input Event - 32-bit without time. |
group32_var2 | Analog Input Event - 16-bit without time. |
group32_var3 | Analog Input Event - 32-bit with time. |
group32_var4 | Analog Input Event - 16-bit with time. |
group32_var5 | Analog Input Event - Single-precision floating point without time. |
group32_var6 | Analog Input Event - Double-precision floating point without time. |
group32_var7 | Analog Input Event - Single-precision floating point with time. |
group32_var8 | Analog Input Event - Double-precision floating point with time. |
group40_var0 | Analog Output Status - Default variation. |
group40_var1 | Analog Output Status - 32-bit with flags. |
group40_var2 | Analog Output Status - 16-bit with flags. |
group40_var3 | Analog Output Status - Single-precision floating point with flags. |
group40_var4 | Analog Output Status - Double-precision floating point with flags. |
group41_var0 | Analog Output - Default variation. |
group41_var1 | Analog Output - 32-bit. |
group41_var2 | Analog Output - 16-bit. |
group41_var3 | Analog Output - Single-precision floating point. |
group41_var4 | Analog Output - Double-precision floating point. |
group42_var0 | Analog Output Event - Default variation. |
group42_var1 | Analog Output Event - 32-bit without time. |
group42_var2 | Analog Output Event - 16-bit without time. |
group42_var3 | Analog Output Event - 32-bit with time. |
group42_var4 | Analog Output Event - 16-bit with time. |
group42_var5 | Analog Output Event - Single-precision floating point without time. |
group42_var6 | Analog Output Event - Double-precision floating point without time. |
group42_var7 | Analog Output Event - Single-preicions floating point with time. |
group42_var8 | Analog Output Event - Double-preicions floating point with time. |
group50_var1 | Time and Date - Absolute time. |
group50_var3 | Time and Date - Absolute time at last recorded time. |
group50_var4 | Time and Date - Indexed absolute time and long interval. |
group51_var1 | Time and date CTO - Absolute time, synchronized. |
group51_var2 | Time and date CTO - Absolute time, unsynchronized. |
group52_var1 | Time delay - Coarse. |
group52_var2 | Time delay - Fine. |
group60_var1 | Class objects - Class 0 data. |
group60_var2 | Class objects - Class 1 data. |
group60_var3 | Class objects - Class 2 data. |
group60_var4 | Class objects - Class 3 data. |
group80_var1 | Internal Indications - Packed format. |
group110 | Octet String. |
group111 | Octet String Event. |
strong |
Write time result used by OutstationApplication::write_absolute_time()
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | AppDecodeLevel | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum AppDecodeLevel into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | AutoTimeSync | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum AutoTimeSync into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | BroadcastAction | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum BroadcastAction into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | CertificateMode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum CertificateMode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | ClientState | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum ClientState into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | CommandError | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum CommandError into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | CommandMode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum CommandMode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | CommandStatus | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum CommandStatus into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | ConnectionState | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum ConnectionState into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | DataBits | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum DataBits into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | DoubleBit | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum DoubleBit into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventAnalogInputVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventAnalogInputVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventAnalogOutputStatusVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventAnalogOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventBinaryInputVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventBinaryOutputStatusVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventBinaryOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventClass | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventClass into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventCounterVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventCounterVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventFrozenCounterVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventFrozenCounterVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | EventMode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum EventMode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | FlowControl | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum FlowControl into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | FreezeResult | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum FreezeResult into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | FreezeType | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum FreezeType into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | FunctionCode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum FunctionCode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | LinkDecodeLevel | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum LinkDecodeLevel into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | LinkErrorMode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum LinkErrorMode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | LinkStatusError | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum LinkStatusError into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | LogLevel | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum LogLevel into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | LogOutputFormat | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum LogOutputFormat into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | MinTlsVersion | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum MinTlsVersion into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | Nothing | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum Nothing into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | OperateType | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum OperateType into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | OpType | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum OpType into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | ParamError | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum ParamError into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | Parity | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum Parity into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | PhysDecodeLevel | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum PhysDecodeLevel into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | PortState | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum PortState into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | QualifierCode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum QualifierCode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | ReadError | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum ReadError into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | ReadType | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum ReadType into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | ResponseFunction | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum ResponseFunction into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | RestartDelayType | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum RestartDelayType into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | RestartError | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum RestartError into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StaticAnalogInputVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StaticAnalogInputVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StaticAnalogOutputStatusVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StaticAnalogOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StaticBinaryInputVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StaticBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StaticBinaryOutputStatusVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StaticBinaryOutputStatusVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StaticCounterVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StaticCounterVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StaticDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StaticDoubleBitBinaryInputVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StaticFrozenCounterVariation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StaticFrozenCounterVariation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | StopBits | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum StopBits into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TaskError | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TaskError into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TaskType | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TaskType into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TimeFormat | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TimeFormat into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TimeQuality | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TimeQuality into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TimeSyncError | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TimeSyncError into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TimeSyncMode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TimeSyncMode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TransportDecodeLevel | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TransportDecodeLevel into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | TripCloseCode | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum TripCloseCode into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | Variation | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum Variation into a C-style string
value | enum value |
const char * dnp3::to_string | ( | WriteTimeResult | value | ) |
convert an instance of enum WriteTimeResult into a C-style string
value | enum value |
constexpr |
major version number
constexpr |
minor version number
constexpr |
patch version number
constexpr |
version number as the string major.minor.patch