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Manual Build

We provide pre-built packages for many platforms either as a ZIP package (for C/C++) or with the standard packaging utility of the target language (Maven or NuGet). However, if your platform is not officially supported, it is possible to build the bindings manually. Please note that we don't officially support custom builds.


  • Latest Rust stable (see rustup)
  • C and C++
    • CMake 3.12+
    • A C and C++ compiler recognized by CMake
  • C# (one of the following)
    • .NET Core 2.0+
    • .NET 5+
    • .NET Framework 4.6.1+ (avoid earlier than Framework 4.7, and prefer .NET Core or .NET 5)
  • Java:
    • JDK 8+
    • Maven
  • doxygen 1.9.1+ (for C, C++ and C# documentation)


  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Build the bindings: cargo run --release --bin dnp3-bindings -- <target language>
    • After the -- , specify the target language with the following flags:
      • --c for both C and C++ bindings
      • --dotnet for the C# bindings
      • --java for Java bindings
    • On unsupported platforms, some tests might fail. You can add --no-tests to skip them.
    • Documentation can be built with the --doxygen flag. Note that the javadoc is always generated.
  • The generated files will be available at:
    • C and C++:
      • Generated code: ffi/bindings/c/generated (can be built with CMake)
    • C#:
      • Generated code: ffi/bindings/dotnet/dnp3 (can be built with dotnet build)
    • Java:
      • Maven Package: ffi/bindings/java/dnp3/target/dnp3-X.Y.Z.jar (installable with mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1:install-file -Dfile=dnp3-X.Y.Z.jar)
      • Javadoc: ffi/bindings/java/dnp3/target/dnp3-X.Y.Z-javadoc.jar (ZIP file that can be extracted)
      • Generated code: ffi/bindings/java/dnp3 (can be installed locally with mvn install)
      • JNI library: target/release/dnp3_ffi_java.<dll|so> (or somewhere similar depending on the platform)