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Serial RTU Client

You can create a RTU client channel using the create_rtu_client method. It will immediately try to open the serial port.


In Rust, you can use the spawn_rtu_client_task to create a channel and spawn the async task in the context of the current runtime. Outside the Tokio runtime, you can use create_rtu_handle_and_task and manually spawn the returned future.


The library does not support sending broadcast requests yet. Sending a request with a broadcast unit ID (0x00) will generate a timeout error, because no server will respond.

let channel = spawn_rtu_client_task(
"/dev/ttySIM0", // path
rodbus::SerialSettings::default(), // serial settings
1, // max queued requests
default_retry_strategy(), // retry delays


A path to the serial device must be supplied. On Windows, it's generally something like COM3. On Linux, it's generally something like /dev/ttyS3. You need to have the adequate permissions to access these devices.

Serial Port settings

The serial port settings are the following:

  • Baud rate in bit per second
  • Data bits. Note that Modbus should use 8 data bits.
  • Stop bits
  • Parity
  • Flow control

Maximum Queued Requests

Each channel sends one request at a time and has a fixed-length buffer of requests to send.

Retry Delay

A serial channel tries to open the serial port as soon as it is created. If the serial port cannot be opened, the library automatically waits retry_delay before retrying to open the port.

Decode Level

See logging configuration page for more details.