ControlHandler Interface

The ControlHandler interface allows application code to receive control requests. Each request begins with a call to beginFragment and ends with a call to endFragment. These two callbacks are useful if the application wishes to handle operations atomically or in batches of some sort.

Handling SELECT#

The select* methods of ControlHandler are invoked when a properly formatted SELECT function code is received from the master. Selecting a control point should never cause the point to operate. Implementors should think of this request from the master as meaning "Do you support this?".

sequenceDiagram Master->>Outstation: select; Outstation->>Master: response; Master->>Outstation: operate; Outstation->>Master: response;

DNP3 masters may optionally use a "select-before-operate" strategy for executing controls. The rules for how outstations are required to process these two-pass control messages are complex. The library transparently handles all of the rules for you.

Handling OPERATE#

The operate* methods of ControlHandler are invoked when the outstation receives either:

  • OPERATE function code preceded by a matching SELECT.
  • DIRECT_OPERATE function code (single-pass control with response).
  • DIRECT_OPERATE_NO_RESPONSE function code (single-pass control without a response).

A reference to the Database is provided so that the outstation may update point values in response to a control request. This would typically be used to update BinaryOutputStatus and AnalogOutputStatus values but could be used to update other types if required by the application.


The OperateType enum is provided which allows the user to tell which of the three operate function codes caused the method to be invoked. Most users should ignore this value. The specification requires that all three functions be supported and that the action the outstation takes be the same.